RE the letter (LT, February 16) regarding dog fouling.

To all the irresponsible dog owners of Mellor who walk their dogs and allow them to foul the pavements and can't be bothered to clean it up and dispose of it properly, I would ask: do YOU really have no pride in where you live?

Are you intent on making it a filthy village?

As a regular walker/runner using Mellor Lane (in particular), I am appalled at the state these people have let it get into.

Last week as I ran back from the Spread Eagle towards the village I actually counted the dog mess on the pavement and from the Spread Eagle to Whinney Lane there were 28 piles of it.

From Whinney to the top of St Mary's Gardens I counted another 12 lots. This does not include the piles that have been walked in and spread about.

I hope you are proud of yourselves, dog walkers.

Does it not bother you when you walk in it, or do you curse, just like the rest of us do?

I now run with a camera in my pocket and WILL take your photo if I see you out letting your dog do this without cleaning it up and I WILL report you.

LINDA, A Mellor Resident.