I SAW an appeal to the Government to introduce plain packaging for tobacco (LT, October 18). We are told that plain packaging will stop children smoking.

This is the big lie and it invokes ‘the children’ in order to shut down debate.

No child ever started smoking because they thought the packets were pretty. Children start smoking because of peer pressure and family influences.

The real agenda behind plain packaging is to bully and denormalise adult smokers. Adults will be made to carry around their tobacco in hideous packets with grotesque pictures of rare diseases on them, stigmatising them as filthy smokers whenever they take out their packs in public.

Plain packaging is also set to do a lot of harm, rather than good.

Any parent will tell you that the best way to peak a childs interest in something is to make it taboo.

You tell a child that something is bad and they can't have it, do they accept that or do they want it more? You know the answer.

We've already begun putting tobacco behind doors in supermarkets and we are soon to do the same with smaller retailers. Now children who were previously not interested in tobacco will be itching to know what is behind the doors.

We're giving the kids a big treat with plain packaging too. What is a good way to convince a child to buy your product and keep coming back for more?

Come on kids, there's six to collect. Collect them all!

Bucko via email