PLEASE stop whining. I beseech thee! I remember several years ago when all dissatisfaction was aimed at the fact that our wee town of Darwen always came second - "Blackburn gets this, Blackburn gets that, and Darwen requires such a thing."

All true, I sympathised with everything.

Now Darwen's getting this and that - a total revamp of the town centre, new leisure centre, new academy - and all people do is whine about it.

Let's face facts, here: The Redearth Triangle was in a dilapidated state, the houses may have been fit to live in for another few years, but I wouldn't have moved there if you paid me - for the simple reason that some of the people who would have been my neighbours were drug users/dealers.

The leisure centre is falling apart, and sorry as I am to see it go, I don't mind the 18 months closure of facilities or the two mile trip north. You're going there to keep fit anyway, so why not just include a walk/jog in your itinerary?