IT is high time bosses at East Lancashire Health Trust got to grips with reality.

What on earth have novelty socks' got to do with patient care?

If I was ill and in need of hospital treatment, the last thought on my mind would be what type of socks or what colour underwear the health care professionals were wearing.

Their time would be better spent addressing more pressing issues such as providing enough beds for patients and the nursing staff to look after them, instead of expecting them to work under stressful and restricting conditions.

It is a credit to the nursing staff that despite this, they continue to provide an excellent standard of care, but eventually at what cost to their health and well being?

I would suggest that a few less of these health bosses' with time on their hands to come up with such stupid ideas, would make a large dent in the trust's multi-million pound debt or at least provide numerous jobs to help staff the hospital adequately.

SUSAN MARKS (via email).