I NOTICE that there seem to be a number of problems to report at the new Royal Blackburn super hospital: generators don't always work, so operations have to be deferred, the car park needs reorganising, there aren't enough flu jabs for the staff.

A couple of weeks ago I was referred to the hospital for tests and went with some apprehension.

I was directed to the chest pain clinic, examined and tested by three specialist nurses and a consultant, had their undivided attention, was given advice and medication, all in the space of a couple of hours and felt I was treated not only with a high level of competence, but with great care and concern from all.

I suppose dedication, care and concern are taken for granted in hospital staff and don't appear in audits or on targets or in reports, but surely these are the very heart of the health service.

To me these qualities seem much more important than the more quantifiable aspects such as numbers treated, time taken, success' rates etc.

If I had to try to quantify the care, concern and competence that was shown to me, I should give the staff 10 out of 10, grade A with five stars!

I was one aging, totally insignificant patient among many that day, I don't think royalty could have had better treatment.

KEVIN DEAN, Station Road, Rishton.