AN environmental campaigner took centre stage in a TV broadcast with Tony Blair and Gordon Brown last night.

University student Nizamuddin Yusuf, 20, of Shear Brow, Blackburn, is concerned about the potential impact of global warming.

So when he spotted a Labour Party political broadcast, asking for topical questions for the Prime Minister and Chancellor, he fired off a text to the powers that be.

Little did he expect his question would be picked out of 60,000 responses and he would be whisked to 10 Downing Street for an audience with the two most powerful men in British politics.

Nizamuddin was called 30 minutes after the initial broadcast by Environment Secretary David Milliband, who detailed what Whitehall was doing to reduce pollution and waste.

Later the student was told his question had led to him being selected as one of six invited to quiz Mr Blair and Mr Brown on a second burning issue of their choice.

Another worry of Nizamuddin's revolved around the amount of waste generated by his father Mohammed's newsagents - and how the Government could help small businesses to recycle more.

Nizamuddin, a second-year business studies undergraduate at the University of Central Lancashire, said: "It's not every day you get asked to see the Prime Minister. I couldn't believe it, but I knew what sort of question I wanted to ask."

He said his father's shop, in Fylde Road, Preston, gets no government help to recycle packaging.

The eco-crusader was impressed that Mr Brown, who he posed his question to, appeared supportive and keen to consider the matter further.

And when Mr Blair discovered Nizamuddin was a fellow Newcastle United supporter, he couldn't resist a dig at Rovers fan Jack Straw.

He told the student: "A Newcastle fan in Blackburn - I'll have to let Jack know about that!"

Nizamuddin's broadcast appeared on BBC and ITV channels last night.