DARWEN councillors are laying the blame for recent traffic chaos on contractors carrying out gas main repairs.

Journeys that usually take 15 minutes are now taking an hour, because of roadworks on the A666 at Lynwood, and council bridge widening work on the alternative; Lower Eccleshill Road.

The council has come under fire for allowing two major works to be carried out at the same time.

Brian Taylor, Labour councillor for Darwen’s Sunnyhurst ward, said: “The (bridge) work had been planned for the best part of a year; what would we do with all the men and materials that were scheduled in to be there, as and when we required them?

“We do not have much, if any control, of the utilities, and for them to just turn up and begin working is where the real problem lies.

“We as a council have had to press for weekend working and more commitment to complete as soon as possible from them, in all honesty we shouldn't have to do that.”

Councillor Dave Smith is urging National Grid to put more men on the A666 job, and to work in the early evenings and at weekends. He also urged affected residents to ‘bombard’ National Grid with complaints.