AN award-winning training company in Lancashire which provided a route into the military for hundreds of raw recruits has closed its doors.

Staff have been told that Avenir Training, which had a base in Athletic Street, Burnley, and took in candidates from across East Lancashire, will enter into voluntary liquidation in the middle of August.

The move is the latest blow to would-be soldiers in East Lancashire after the Ministry of Defence confirmed the army careers office in Yorkshire Street, Burnley, would be closing in early 2013.

Avenir, also based in Preston and Radcliffe, was a North West winner in 2008’s National Training Awards, and a finalist in a string of regional and UK training competitions.

The firm also offered a ‘life-long skills academy’, which gave qualifications opportunities to more practically-minded learners.

But managing director Steve Harrison announced to staff last week that the outfit, first incorporated in 2008, was no longer financially viable.

The military preparation course gave, for up to 250 youngsters a year, basic qualifications in maths, English and information technology, and prepared them for the army’s recruitment selections courses by testing their fitness and practical skills.

Young troopers were taken on exercises to locations including Southport beach, the Yorkshire Dales and various barracks.

One source said: “The children have been sent home mid-course and will not get the qualifications they have been working towards.

These are children with little formal qualifications anyway.”

Staff have been told that it could be up to six weeks before they are paid any outstanding wages and redundancy settlements.

Administrators have been appointed but the company is not formally expected to enter into voluntary liquidation before August 15 or 16.

Avenir worked in partnership with Blackburn-based Training 2000 and the Learning and Skills Council.

No-one was available for comment at Avenir.