RESIDENTS, pubs, churches and community groups are being warned they could face legal action if they don't register their November 5 bonfire.

The registration scheme in Burnley is being run again this year after it was successfully piloted in 2005.

Fire chiefs, police and council bosses are teaming up for the Brightsparx scheme which aims to reduce accidents and injuries caused by fireworks and bonfires.

Individuals, pubs, churches and other community groups are being encouraged to register their bonfire and receive an information pack with safety advice.

Unregistered bonfires could be cleared and those responsible for them could face legal action.

The scheme only applies to bonfires on public land, but people planning a bonfire on private land are also asked to take part.

Coun Charles Bullas, Burnley Council's executive member for community safety, said: "We want to make sure that on and around Bonfire Night people enjoy attending a properly organised and run bonfire or fireworks display.

"What we don't want is to see someone seriously injured or even killed, as we've tragically seen in Burnley in recent years.

"By registering their fire people will get some useful help and advice to make sure the fire and fireworks display goes off without a hitch. We are trying to reduce the risk of injuries, and cut down on the anti-social behaviour that can sometimes come with bonfires.

"We want people to have a good time on Bonfire Night but not at the expense of others."

David Jackson, station manager at Burnley fire station, added: "This is traditionally a very busy time for the fire service dealing with what are essentially rubbish fires.

"While our resources are dealing with these minor fires, we are not available for more urgent serious emergencies and delays in attendance could result. The registration scheme should reduce unwanted fires to a minimum and gives good advice about bonfire and firework safety to ensure that everyone has an enjoyable event."

Insp Martin Selway, of Burnley police, said: "We have a big increase at this time of year in reports of anti-social behaviour because of bonfires and fireworks.

"People find their fences vandalised to make fires or are scared to go out because of youths throwing fireworks and that's why we are supporting this scheme."

To register a bonfire call 01282 477297 or visit and fill in an online form.

Bonfires must be registered by 5pm on Thursday, November 2.