RESIDENTS in Rossendale are being reminded to return their electoral register forms as soon as possible.

Council chiefs in the Valley say the register is due to be published in December and door-to-door canvassing is now underway for those who have not returned the forms or contacted the authority's new telephone registration hotline.

The new register will come into force next year.

Joanne Smith, elections officer, urged residents who have not yet returned their forms to do it immediately.

She said: "There are still a number of households who have not returned the forms or telephoned the registration hotline.

"You have to be on the new electoral register to be entitled to vote in elections held in 2007.

"We are in the process of contacting all households who have not returned information but it will help us if we can get as many forms back as possible in the next few days."

Residents wanting to register on the phone can contact the council's hotline on 0800 197 2278.