TWO butchers have devise a sizzling way to raise funds for a brave youngster.

Natasha Harley, of Minster Crescent, Darwen, was born with Cystic Fibrosis and must undergo constant treatment to help her battle the threat of chest infections.

The 11-year-old's plight inspired David Paintin and Martin Tease, from Ye Olde Sausage Shop in Oswaldtwistle Mills, to create a special sausage in her honour.

Its launch will coincide with National Sausage Week later this month and money from its sales of the will go towards the trust.

The pair have spent hours pouring over the Clitheroe Grammar pupil's favourite ingredients.

Martin said: "Natasha told us what foods she liked and then we came up with a recipe. She likes turkey and that's high in protein, so it's really good for people with Cystic Fibrosis. It is also very lean so we decide to use that. "

The end product, named Natasha Harley's CF Sausage, is infused with tomato and basil.

Martin added: "It is an unusual way to raise money for a good cause and for every pound weight of meat we sell during sausage week we will give 10p to the trust."

Natalie Cossins, from the trust, said: "Money raised from sausage events will go towards projects like our gene therapy research. It will also help us provide support, advice and help to people living with Cystic Fibrosis."

Natasha visited the shop to lend a helping hand with the sausage production. Her mum Sue said: "She has to have a lot of treatment but she copes extremely well and has a very mature attitude towards it. She's a really happy young girl and takes part in lots of sport at school."

l National Sausage Week starts on October 30.