ONE of Darwen's longest-established charity shops will be handing out goody-bags to celebrate its reopening next week.

Help the Aged, in School Street, has been closed for the past month for a full refit for the first time since opening in 1995.

The shop has been renovated with brighter lights and new decorations with the aim of providing a better quality service for customers.

Field operations manager Jill Hall, and North West general manager Shirley Cooper will cut a ribbon to officially reopen the shop next Tuesday.

Shop manager Corina Penney said: "Over the last 11 years the shop has raised thousands of pounds contributing to support projects in aid of disadvantaged older people all over the UK.

"This has been possible thanks to the hard-working group of volunteers who work with the shop staff.

Volunteers are essential to run the shop successfully and we hope to recruit some more volunteers to help out in the shop."

Anyone interested in volunteering on a full or part-time basis is asked to attend the event or contact Corina on 01254 701871.