DARWEN'S first wind turbine is in place and will produce electricity for the next 20 years.

Chris Driver, 47, of Meadow Head Lane, Tockholes, had the nine-metre-high turbine approved by the council and put it up less than 24 hours.

A council spokesman said: "It is the first domestic wind turbine in Darwen and only the second in the whole borough."

Mr Driver, who applied to the council in June 2006, said: "The turbine generated enough energy to supply three houses in one day because it had been so windy.

"Any surplus energy made will go into the national grid and other households can use the extra energy it makes.

"The planning officers have a lot of vision for approving the turbine."

However a condition of planning permission is that Mr Driver must take down the turbine in 20 years time.

But some residents who fought the application insist they will continue the fight.

Neighbour Arthur Fowley, 50, and his wife Jacqueline, of Meadow Head Lane, have taken their concerns to planning meetings but were unable to attend the final meeting when plans were approved.

Mrs Fowley said: "It's up now, although we did everything we could.

"We have nothing against the conservation of energy but you can see it from the bedroom window. We object to the view. We didn't expect something like this where we live."

Mr Fowley claimed the turbine, which is 30 metres from his home, would make a noise and cast a flickering shadow from the blades.

"If in 12 months we experience any problems like noise and the flicker from the blades, I will take my complaints to the council," he said.

But Mr Driver said: "We have some horses and one keeps standing by the turbine, it so it can't be that noisy."