THOUSANDS of litres of suspected toxic chemicals have been dumped at a notorious fly-tipping site in Hyndburn.

Large amounts of a bright-blue substance spilled out on to the countryside after six huge drums were dumped at the remote King's Highway in Huncoat.

Fire crews and officers from the Highways Agency cordoned off the rural setting, off the A679 Burnley Road, at around 12.30pm on Saturday. They were still working at the site late into the night.

Potentially hazardous liquid was leaking from one of the drums and officials used sand to stem the flow and make the area safe.

Because of the size and weight of the containers it is not expected that they will be moved from until later today or even Tuesday.

There are also fears over the integrity of the drums and that attempting to move them could cause further spillages.

Crew manager Chris Fogarty from Accrington Fire Station said: "These containers have been dumped with no concern for the environment.

"It is completely mindless to do something like this.

"It is one thing dumping a three-piece-suite by the roadside but this is something else."

He said that at this stage it was uncertain what the contents of the drums was. It is thought that they were pushed from the side of a flat-bed truck or lorry on to the roadside, causing one of them to break open.

Mr Fogarty added: "One of the drums was leaking and we had to treat it with care.

"There were no markings on the drums to tell us what was inside."

He said that he believes that the liquid is polymer based, with a similar consistency as paint, and it had started to set when it was leaking. Investigations into the flytipping are now expected to be carried out by the Environment Agency and Hyndburn Borough Council, who have pledged to clampdown on fly-tipping in the area.

Campaigners have called for Lancashire County Council to install a locked gate at the entrance to King's Highway to stop fly-tippers.

County Coun Jean Battle has been lobbying for access to be closed.

Speaking just weeks ago she said: "It is frustrating that the issue still hasn't been solved.

"We have asked repeatedly for something to be done for the last two years and we are determined to be persistent.

"There may be objections to this road being closed but I hope people will see it is to stop people being anti-social and tipping their rubbish there."