ROSSENDALE Borough Council has adopted a new policy to minimise the risk of poisoning on its premises.

Councillors agreed the proposals to deal with asbestos poisoning and legionnaires disease.

The council has a duty to carry out asbestos surveys on all its properties, and ensure that water supplies are not contaminated.

If asbestos is found on the premises, the council must undertake a risk assessment.

The council must strip all contaminated material from the affected area.

All waste must then be placed in a locked and labelled container. The new regulations impose a duty on the council to train employees to a set minimum standard with regards to asbestos poisoning, and the training must be reviewed every year.

Under the new proposals, the council is also obliged to check all water supplies on council premises to reduce the risk of poisoning, and carry out risk assessments every 24 months.

The new regulations impose duties on all council employees, from the chief executive to contractors employed by the council.