A SIXTY-year-old man was knocked unconscious by a burglar he awoke to find in his Burnley home.

Police said John Cheetham had been asleep on his sofa at home in Todmorden Road when he woke up and saw a man standing over him.

In an unprovoked attack, the man punched Mr Cheetham in the face knocking him unconscious and causing him facial injuries, officers said.

The offender unplugged electrical items, making off with a 32-inch Toshiba TV and a Sony PS3.

Mr Cheetham had to be treated at hospital for cuts and bruising as well as shock and breathing difficulties.

He said: “I have lived at this address for over 20 years but now I am too scared to leave the house and I feel like a prisoner in my own home.

“I need to go to hospital to be treated and I am seriously thinking of moving home.”

The attack happened at 3.40am on Sunday, July 10, but police have only released details today.

Detective Constable Kaz Garda, of Burnley CID said: “I would appeal to anyone who has information about this incident to come forward and contact police.

“This was a nasty attack on a vulnerable member of the community. The person responsible must be caught and brought to justice.

“I am keen to hear from anyone who was in the area and saw a man walking down the street with a television set or maybe a local taxi driver in the area might have seen something suspicious.”

Anyone with information is asked to call Burnley Police on 01282 425001 or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.