A NELSON man who used false information to secure credit totalling £47,000 has been given a suspended jail sentence.

Nazar Hussain, 58, falsely claimed that he was in work when he obtained a £20,000 loan and a £27,000 mortgage, Burnley Crown Court heard.

But jobless Hussain, of Bond Street, Nelson, had made a bogus application and was eventually caught out by police.

He admitted two offences of fraud by false representation and was given a nine-month prison sentence which was suspended for 18 months and 140 hours community service, by Judge Simon Newell.

Hussain confessed to providing false information to his bank about his employment status in order to obtain the mortgage and a loan.

He was first arrested after police discovered £4,700 in his safe, while probing an alleged drugs dealing operation involving one of his sons.

The cash was seized and police are now conducting a proceeds of crime investigation into the find.

A Lancashire Police spokesman said: “People who use false details to obtain loans and mortgages are only making the situation worse for decent law abiding people who are struggling to get onto the property ladder in this current economical climate.

“I hope this sentence sends a very clear message to those people who are involved in fraud that the police will do everything within their power to strip them of any money or assets obtained illegally.”