An enterprising East Lancashire firm and a business leader will attend a Queen's Awards For Enterprise reception at Buckingham Palace tonight.

Linemark, from Rawtenstall, has won the award for innovation with a new device for marking sports pitches.

Meanwhile Khalid Saifullah from Blackburn will pick up the individual's award for enterprise promotion for his work as strategic partnership manager at Business Link North West.

Tony Hold, Director of Linemark (UK) Limited said: "We are very happy to receive this prestigious award, which we believe will help build confidence in our product.

"The Impact paint system, developed by Linemark, comprises a concentrated paint and pressure sprayer with a specially designed nozzle, which replaces the traditional system of marking sports pitches and is more consistent, faster and more convenient as well as being more environmentally friendly and economical.

"Of course we are confident in the benefits of our product, but to have the Queen's Award, which is such a well-recognised accolade, means that our customers will have more confidence in us and that we will be able to drive new business.

"In particular, we hope to look at increasing our export trade once we have the Queen's Award packaging and logs in place."

Business Secretary Vince Cable will present the award to Mr Saifullah, who has been successful in reaching many hard to reach communities through effective partnerships with both the civic and private sectors.

He also helped develop the Asian Business Federation which now represents 1200 members and launched a company called Enterprise4all which has helped facilitate more female and Asian business start ups in Lancashire.

He said: "The Queen's Award for Enterprise Promotion is a great honour and I am proud that it has recognised the work that has been done in making business accessible to all.

"I have since moved on from Business Link and returned to my family business, Star Tissue UK Ltd, and going to the palace to receive the Queen's Award is a lovely way to mark my achievements."

Linemark (UK) Limited has already been presented with its award by the Lord Lieutenant of Lancashire.

Business Secretary Vince Cable said: “It’s wonderful to see that even with a difficult economic climate, individuals continue to find enterprising ways of working and helping others to establish their businesses.

“The people receiving awards today are an inspiration and I congratulate them on their hard work and their achievement.

"The opportunity for them to join the business winners and to go to the Palace to celebrate their hard work is well deserved and I hope they have a wonderful time.

“It’s important we create the right conditions for Britain’s new and up- and-coming entrepreneurs to succeed and I strongly encourage businesses to start thinking about nominations for next year.”