AN ex-soldier who said he had post-traumatic stress disorder after leaving the army has praised the help he's got from a support group.

John Williams, 51, said he suffered from depression after completing 24 years’ service and later resigning from the British Transport Police.

The former Observation Officer in the Artillery suffered in silence, witnessing his first marriage break down, before seeking help from SALUTE (Soldiers Assisted Leaving Uniform Together Empower).

Based at the EMB Centre, in Brunshaw Avenue, Burnley, SALUTE is a service offering free counselling and help with housing, health employment and benefits.

Father-of-four John said: “When I left the police I was at the lowest point of my life.

"I was having suicidal thoughts daily. I would get up late, muster the energy to walk the dog and then go back to bed. It was no life.

“I went to receive treatment for my PTSD when I was told about a new service opening in Burnley.

“Initially I was really wary of asking for help from anyone, but then one day I decided to visit Salute a chat.”

Bosses at SALUTE are now currently seeking charitable status.

John was one of the first people to pass through the doors of SALUTE and almost a month later he has found a job as a mental health tribunal assistant and is volunteering his time for the service.

John said: “Salute has been a real help for me. Four weeks ago I could only imagine being at this stage.

“I am starting to rebuild my life and it's great I have been given the opportunity to help others in the same situation I was once in.

“I would say to any ex-serviceman or their families that the door is always open.

“These people will do everything they can to help you and everything is strictly confidential.”

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