ONE last ditch-effort is to be made to persuade the owners of a run-down corner shop to revamp the property before a clean-up operation is launched.

Neighbours have complained for more than two years about the state of the former general store at the corner of Skipton Road and Chatham Street, Colne.

The problems had become so acute that damp from the property had begun to affect the terrace house next door.

Councillors in Pendle have now agreed to serve an improvement notice on the owners, demanding action.

Brian Cookson, the borough’s regeneration director, has confirmed that an £18,000 supplementary estimate has been set aside to carry out necessary work, and levy a charge on the property.

Coun Anne Kerrigan, who represents Colne’s Horsfield ward, said: “It is not just the fact that it is unsightly, but it is also a fire risk.

“The person next door has to live with something which is both dangerous and damp.”