A TEENAGE girl was rescued from a burning flat in Great Harwood by firefighters.

Crews were called to a flat in Queen Street, Great Harwood, on Wednesday at around 8.15pm.

The blaze broke out in the kitchen and the airing cupboard in the bathroom.

It is believed a group of friends, aged 16 to 19, had been having a party and drinking in the flat.

Police have arrested a 17-year-old boy on suspicion of arson with intent to endanger life.

He was being held in custody for questioning last night.

A girl and a teenage boy were given oxygen at the scene and then taken to hospital with smoke inhalation, but have since been discharged.

DS Paul Langley, of Accrington CID, said: “She had to be rescued by the fire service.”

Landlord Tim Melia, from Melbro Group, said the 19-year-old girl had been living at the property for under a year and that he had been contacted by the fire service on Thursday morning.

Abrar Sange, 29, manager of MA Motor Accessories, which is under the flat, said: “If the fire had carried on, the whole row could have gone up.

“We’ve got flammable liquids on site. I was playing football at the time and had lots of messages telling me the flat above the shop was on fire.”

John Taylor, Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service spokesman, said: “We are just relieved that the outcome was that she was pretty much uninjured.

“But it may have had tragic consequences for her and for the firefighters.”

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