A BUSINESSMAN has unveiled major plans to regenerate Accrington town centre through a cultural project focusing on the arts.

Nightclub owner Paul Fox opened the first of a number of planned ‘cultural venues’ after re-branding his Attic Bar in Warner Street, ‘Bohemia’.

But that is just the start with ambitious plans to transform the town’s Victorian Arcade, which was recently highlighted for the high number of empty shops.

One idea is to create a Victorian-themed bar on the currently empty side of the arcade in Warner Street.

There are also early plans for live music events at the market hall and the Victorian Arcade if the project is successful.

The Bohemia Project, which already has followers on My Space, Facebook and Twitter, will see organisers based in offices at the market hall from next month.

Plans are also in the pipeline for local bands to hold Saturday live music events in the market to attract shoppers.

Mr Fox, who unveiled Bohemia with a battle of the bands last night, said he was looking to take a tenancy in the arcade to create the bar.

But he stressed: “It is very early days and we don’t even have a planning applicaiton for the arcade yet.

“However we’ve been in negotiations with the owners for a month and had some positive talks with the council and it looks good. Everyone we have spoken to loves the idea and the council in particular is really supportive.

“Our market hall base will be open from next month and we hope anyone interested in music or cultural events will come along to bring up their ideas.

“Our new club Bohemia is now open in Warner Street and we are offering the venue for all different cultural events - poetry and jazz music - not just the indie scene we used to have at the Attic.

“We think something like this would give local bands some structure to make themselves known. I’m really pasionate about Accrington and if we can get a bit of happiness and activity going in the town at the same time so much the better.”

Council leader Peter Britcliffe said: “I think it’s really good news there are ambitious entrepreneurs willing to put time and money into our town centre.”