AN AMATEUR football club has won a £10,000 Lottery grant.

And it is the second piece of good news for Daneshouse Football Club after Burnley-based Cooper's Chemist presented officials with a cheque for £500 after agreeing to sponsor the team for another year.

The double cash bonanza comes on the back of a successful year for the club.

Daneshouse was named Lancashire Sport Community Club of the Year last season and also achieved the prestigious FA Charter Standard Award.

Bosses this week found out that the £10,000 cash bid from the lottery's Awards for All campaign had been successful.

Afrasiab Anwar, chairman of the club, said the cash would be used to develop the club's junior section as well as refurbishing the Ghausia Community Centre, which will be used as a venue for projects and activities for the community.

He added: "The boost from Awards for All also means we can continue the good work that has been started and look towards a very bight future for the club. And we are very pleased with the continued support of Cooper's Chemist which proves to us that we are moving in the right direction."

Burnley Borough Council helped the club put the lottery application together.

Coun Roger Frost, the council's executive member for leisure and culture, said: "This is all great news for the club which is to be congratulated for its work on providing healthy activities for young people that gives them something constructive to do in their spare time." Brian Cooper, owner of Cooper's Chemist, said: "We are proud to be associated with a club like Daneshouse FC.

"The coaches and volunteers are doing a brilliant job in the community and their work is a fine example of sport being used as a medium to tackle anti-social behaviour, community cohesion, and health issues and improve education standards and opportunities."