A CLITHEROE man gave chase after a drunken teenager smashed a widow in his home, a court was told.

And Blackburn magistrates heard that an off-duty police officer joined the chase after he saw Ryan Andrew Rigby kick a car.

Rigby, 19, of Mitton Road, Whalley, pleaded guilty to two charges of criminal damage. He was made subject to an 18-month supervision order, ordered to do 120 hours unpaid work and pay £500 compensation and £45 costs.

Susan Roberts, prosecuting, said the incident took place in the early hours. Mr Andrew Fairhurst was in the upstairs front bedroom of his home when he heard a smashing noise and realised that one of his windows had been broken. He looked out to see Rigby walking away and immediately gave chase.

The off-duty police officer also looked out of his window and saw Rigby staggering down the road.

He saw him kick a wing mirror and the door of a car and also joined the chase.

Miss Roberts said Mr Fairhurst caught and detained Rigby and was joined by the police officer.

Emma Morrissey, defending, said Rigby had offered to pay compensation at the time of his arrest.

"He finds his own behaviour unacceptable and he is particularly angry with himself because he had been doing so well," she added.