TRICKSTERS posing as workmen stole an 85-year-old woman's purse from her home.

The crime has sparked a police warning for residents to be wary of similar distraction burglaries in the area.

The thieves stole belongings from the victim's living room while one of the men distracted her in the kitchen.

The victim, who lives in the Birch Hall Avenue area of Darwen, let a man in believing he was from the water board.

The first man, who knocked on the front door, asked to be directed to the water mains in the kitchen.

A second man then came in through the open front door and stole the belongings, before making off before the crime was discovered.

About £60 was taken from a purse, and other coins were taken from around the room.

Today Sgt Mark Thackeray-Scott urged residents, especially the elderly, to be vigilant when allowing strangers into their homes.

He said: "People should always ask for identification when anyone they do not know comes to their door.

"If they are who they say they are, they will be carrying some and will not mind being asked.

"This crime is despicable, especially when the victim is so old. We just hope that although she was not harmed that she will be OK after the shock of the incident.

"We would appeal to anyone who saw these two men in the area around the time of the incident, or since, to get in touch with us.

"I would urge anyone who gets a knock on the door in the near future from workmen they are not expecting to be extra vigilant."

The crime happened between 4.30pm and 5.30pm on August 16.

The first man is white, of medium build, with dark brown hair, aged about 30, has a local accent, and was wearing a navy blue top.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Darwen police on 01254 701777, or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 .