AN Accrington man has criticised the way his mother was treated after she came out of hospital feeling only slightly better than when she went in.

David Barlow told an inquest that he was not seeking to blame anyone for the death of his mother Margaret, 72, but felt her treatment could have been better managed.

The inquest heard Mrs Barlow, of Queen's Drive, Oswaldtwistle, died within 24 hours of being discharged from hospital.

Mr Barlow, of Elmwood Close, Accrington, said his mum was suffering from crests syndrome, a rare connective tissue disorder, when she was admitted to Blackburn Royal Infirmary in May.

She was on oxygen while she was in hospital for nearly two weeks but this was stopped while tests were carried out to determine oxygen levels in her blood.

"They didn't put her back on the oxygen and she came home nearly as bad as when she went in," said Mr Barlow. "She came home with a bad cough which I believe she caught in the hospital.

"I am not after blaming anybody but I am disappointed in the way her case was managed," he added.

The medical cause of death was given as bronchopneumonia as a result of lung disease as a result of connective tissue disorder.

Recording a verdict of natural causes, coroner Michael Singleton said he had taken into account Mr Barlow's comments.

"It was your not unreasonable expectation your mother would return home better than when she went in," said Mr Singleton.

"I can understand your concerns."