A 50-YEAR-OLD man was thrown against a wall when a rush-hour hit-and-run driver's car mounted the kerb.

The Vauxhall Vectra which hit John Hill in St Peter's Street, Blackburn, was later found abandoned.

Today, the passer-by who ran to his aid hit out at the driver for failing to stop and leaving Mr Hill in pouring rain.

Police said the car appeared to have lost control when turning from Canterbury Street into Freckleton Street in the town centre at 6pm on Thursday.

Biker George Holden stopped on his way home from work when he spotted Mr Hill, a resident at Union House hostel, lying on the floor and the car driving off.

He took off his biker jacket to cover Mr Hill, who had fallen underneath a leaking drainpipe and was soaking wet.

Mr Holden sat with the casualty, who is now being treated in Royal Blackburn Hospital for back injuries and cuts and bruises, until an ambulance arrived.

The silver Vectra, which was later reported stolen, was found outside St Wilfrid's CE High School and Technology College, in Duckworth Street.

Mr Holden, 46, of Elgar Close, Blackburn, a caretaker at Blackburn Library said: "It was awful.

"I just saw this woman in the road screaming and the car mount the kerb.

"I pulled over and noticed the car driving off. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

"I don't know who could do that. The car came from King Street and mounted the pavement and then headed off again. It hadn't even seemed to pause.

"I have done a bit of first aid so I headed to him to see if he was OK.

"He seemed like he was unconscious but he was breathing and he had a pulse.

"Then he came round. It all happened so quickly.

"The poor guy was left in the gutter. There was rain pouring all over his head from a drainpipe above. He was drenched."

PC Mark Royle-Evatt, from the road policing unit in Accrington, said: "It seems the driver lost control at the time of the accident.

"I would ask anyone who saw the car at anytime on Thursday to contact the police as it could lead to us being able to track down the driver."

Anyone with information about the car, PJ06 CEU, or the incident should contact the unit on 01254 353 764 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.