A CHARITY made a brave little girl's dream come true by replacing her garden playhouse which was destroyed by vandals.

The Make A Wish Foundation came to the rescue of eight-year-old Amy Schofield, who has leukaemia.

They helped build a bigger playhouse while she was whisked away in a limousine for a make-over and pizza lunch.

The Shadsworth Junior School pupil wasn't told it was being built and was shocked when she returned home to Tarbert Crescent, Blackburn, to see it at the bottom of the back garden.

Beaming, the youngster, who turns nine on Tuesday, said: "It is fantastic. I didn't think I'd get another one."

Her mum, Karen, 41, said: "I am so pleased for her, it is overwhelming, I am speechless. She has always wanted a playhouse so it is her birthday wish come true.

"She has been through a lot and it has been fantastic to give her such a wonderful surprise."

The previous playhouse was built by Karen's partner Rod Tunstall but in November last year, yobs smashed windows, ripped up carpets and smeared mud on toys.

Mr Tunstall said: "I am overwhelmed. She was after one for so long I built one for her but now she has one that's even better."

The playhouse was paid for by the foundation, a charity which grants wishes to children with life-threatening illnesses.

Lancashire representative Karen Rainford said: "I am so pleased to see the joy on her face. We have had a fantastic day."

Amy was diagnosed with leukaemia on her fourth birthday. Half of her right lung was removed and the disease went into remission. However, it returned last year and caused a life-threatening brain tumour.

She now visits The Royal Manchester Children's Hospital, Pendlebury, once a week and takes daily chemotherapy drugs.

If you know someone who could benefit from a wish, call Karen Rainford on 07801 446099.