FOUR action plans designed to revive the fortunes of some of Burnley’s hardest-hit areas areas are being scrapped.

Thousands of pounds and man-hours had been spent on drawing up the masterplans for Burnley Wood, Padiham, Daneshouse, Stoneyholme and Duke Bar, and South-West Burnley, over the past four years.

The possibility of a new Daneshouse railway station, alongside a new enterprise zone, was discussed in one of the area plans, alongside housing regeneration efforts in South West Burnley and Burnley Wood.

But the new coalition government, which has axed £12 million of housing market renewal funding for Burnley, is now looking for borough-wide planning briefs. And before an extra £190,000 is spent on submitting the four reports to Whitehall, councillors have been asked to halt the scheme.

Several rounds of consultation have been undertaken within the neighbourhoods concerned but the loss of regeneration staff has hampered the project in recent months.

Planning head Sue Graham said in a scrutiny report: “It is regrettable that a line has had to be drawn under a piece of work that has progressed through the effort of dedicated staff and the involvement of many members of the local community.