THREE teenagers have been banned from public buildings after a 'reign of terror' across Blackburn.

Police have obtained interim anti-social behaviour orders against the youngsters in a bid to halt their behaviour.

Town magistrates heard residents in the Daisyfield area had been threatened by the trio and were asked to ban them from public buildings including Larkhill Health Centre and Daisyfield swimming pool.

They were banned from school premises except for attending their own schools.

Mohammed Jamil Khan, 15, of Windermere Close, Shabaaz Khan, 14, of Accrington Road, and Mujib Pathan, 15, of Ambleside Close, all Blackburn, were made subject to an interim order until February 17 when the application for a full Asbo will be heard.

Under the terms of the order they are banned from behaving in an anti-social manner, associating with each other, possessing alcohol or illegal drugs and banned from the swimming baths, the health centre and Bowman Court, Trinity Street.

Luke McGrath, prosecuting, said evidence would be produced from the police, residents and people who work in the Daisyfield area.

He said: “These young men have engaged in threatening, abusive and intimidating behaviour and there is evidence of use of illegal drugs.

"We say the prohibition is totally justified to try and combat that kind of behaviour.”

Solicitors representing the trio did not oppose the interim orders.