A 15-YEAR-OLD boy has been charged with rape after an attack on a 13-year-old girl in Clitheroe.

The incident happened late on Friday night near to Clitheroe Football Club in Shawbridge Street.

The teenager appeared in Hyndburn Youth Court yesterday to hear the charges but has not entered a plea.

His case was transferred to a further hearing at Preston Magistrates Court this afternoon.

The incident is understood to have occurred after a group of teenagers were drinking in the area.

Police were first alerted at 9.30pm when the girl's family became concerned that she had not returned home at 9pm as arranged with her parents.

She was found soon after and the rape was reported.

The girl said that she was with a group when she was isolated from them, led away, and then attacked.

After the police were contacted she was taken to Royal Blackburn Hospital where she was treated for cuts and bruises as well as other injuries.

Comments unavailable on this story for legal reasons.