POLICE claim they are winning the war against persistent shoplifters in Nelson and Colne.

Around 80 per cent of all reported thefts from stores in the Pendle towns result in an arrest, according to latest figures.

Chief targets are the large supermarkets like Asda, in Corporation Street, Colne, Morrison’s in Pendle Street, Nelson, and the new Sainsbury’s in Windsor Street, Colne.

But each week, several shoplifters are either arrested or cautioned for stealing everything from cosmetics and jewellery to food and booze.

Sgt Keith Beckley, of Pendle police, said: “The message is that if you shoplift in Nelson and Colne, then you are going to get caught.”

In the past week:

  • A 30-year-old Nelson woman was charged with theft on January 8 after stealing biscuits and a bottle of Bailey’s liqueur from Morrison’s.
  • Police arrested a 15-year-old at Sainsbury’s a day later, on suspicion of stealing a Transformer toy worth £8. He was charged and bailed to Reedley Youth Court.
  • Another 15-year-old was charged with theft of confectionery worth £4.64 at Poundstretcher at Colne’s North Valley Retail Park.
  • Police charged a 32-year-old who tried to walk out of the Tesco Express, in Market Street, Colne, with five jars of Nescafe coffee.
  • Three women were detained after food and cosmetics worth £268 were taken at Asda. A 38-year-old woman and 17-year-old girl were charged and a 16-year-old was given a youth reprimand.

Detection rates in Pendle are the highest in Lancashire across a number of areas.