BUDDING rappers from an East Lancashire special school busted their fire safety tune to the beat and won a national contest.

Children at Pendle View Primary School in Colne wowed judges with the key fire safety messages they had learnt and as part of National Schools’ Fire Safety Week, which they then turned into a rap.

The competition was launched by The Fire Fighters Charity to teach children that matches and lighters are dangerous tools. Almost 200 entries were received.

After hearing of the win the children took part in a special assembly for parents.

Assistant Head teacher Karen Stinchon said: “It is absolutely amazing.

“The judges said other schools had sent videos of their poems but it was the enthusiasm of the children here that won them round.”

They won £300 worth of Argos vouchers.

Alison White, from The Fire Fighters Charity, said: “They clearly enjoyed learning about fire safety and to top it all off they took home the message that matches and lighters are dangerous tools and should never be played with.

“Hopefully they will spread this message to their friends and family.”