A GROUP has said that an Accrington park deserves to be issued with a health warning despite it being awarded a Green Flag for excellence.

Oakhill Park was one of 11 green spaces in East Lancashire to be handed the honour by the Government. It retained the Green Flag after first winning one last year.

But today Tony Hindley, chairman of the Friends of Oakhill Park claimed that the park, off Manchester Road, was completely unfit to claim the award.

Mr Hindley said: "This park is horrendous in places.

"There is not a single drain in the park that is not blocked, the road and paths are worn out and the entrances are overgrown."

The site has been plagued by vandalism and trouble-makers in the past.

The Grade II listed war memorial has been targeted with graffiti and two years ago the Oakhill Park bandstand was destroyed after an arson attack.

It is also frequented by under-age drinkers.

Mr Hindley said that there are areas in the park where barbed wire and bricks are buried in the ground.

He said that Oakhill Park is also infested with Japanese Knotweed, a plant that is strictly controlled by Government legislation because of its ability to damage buildings, walls and pavements.

The weed, which Mr Hindley said is growing in 14 different locations across the park, is also causing damage to a new £90,000 play area at the site.

He said: "We have been trying to get the council to treat the Knotweed and the play area is riddled with trip hazards where it has been patched up."

The park is owned and maintained by Hyndburn Council and a new Friends group was set up in the last six months in a bid to access extra funding.

Mr Hindley, of Manchester Road, said: "Oakhill Park needs a Friends group to protect it from Hyndburn Council.

"The Green Flag is supposed to be a standard of excellence but it is not worth the paper it is written on."

Hyndburn Council deputy leader Coun Brian Roberts said he was proud that Oakhill Park had retained its Green Flag.

He said: "It is a magnificent park with many visitors.

"Japanese Knotweed is a problem in the park, as it is in many parks right across the country, and we've set aside a bigger budget to deal with it.

"The Green Flag award helps when bidding for funds and we are keen to work with Friends Of groups to get funding to improve our parks."