DARWEN residents and traders are urged to get into the community spirit this summer to make Darwen Gala one of the best ever.

The event is due to take place on Saturday, August 19 and people are asked to get involved either by reserving a stall at the gala field or registering a float in the parade.

A programme will be released nearer the time, listing all the events organised by town centre businesses and groups.

Stalls will be available for charities, community groups, public bodies and businesses and part of the main marquee will be reserved for craft displays and sales.

To book a stall, ring June on 01254 725958.

Entries are also being taken for the road parade where people can either register floats, vehicles or can walk in fancy dress.

To find out more contact Bob on (01254) 706510 or Steve on (01254) 774804.