A BURNLEY boy is helping to put the brakes on speeding drivers around his school.

Seven-year-old Jake Dobson won a poster competition at Rosewood Primary School and his artwork can now be spotted on speed limit signs as part of a new 20mph zone being created in the town's Rosehill area.

Councillor Charles Bullas, Burnley Council's Executive member for the environment, said: "Jake's design is eye catching and gets the message across to drivers that by slowing down you can help to save lives.

"I was really impressed with Jake's artwork and I'm sure everyone else who sees these signs will be too.

"It's great that his work is going up on road signs all over the Rosehill area and will be seen by thousands of people every day."

Jake also won a sports voucher in the competition run by council's engineering staff, who are overseeing the introduction of the town's latest 20mph zone, which is being funded by Lancashire County Council at a cost of £25,000.

There are 14 entries and exits to the Rosehill zone area which is where the 20mph signs will be erected and it includes eight round top speed humps, four junction "tables" and eight sets of speed cushions.