A "SOFT-TOUCH" teen's home was used as a cannabis den and doss house, a court was told.

Eric Hutchinson, 19, had been taken advantage of by others because he was not strong enough to say no. Police found drugs equipment at his rented house when they raided it in March, Burnley magistrates heard.

The defendant, who also stole a charity box from The Clayton Arms a month later, had spent £50 on drink the day he stole it.

Hutchinson, of Beaufort Street, Nelson, admitted permitting premises at Branch Street in the town to be used for smoking cannabis. He also pleaded guilty to theft. He was given a 12-month community order with supervision and must attend the Addressing Substance-Related Offending programme. The defendant was ordered to pay £30 costs.

David Lawson, defending, said Hutchinson had fended for himself since the age of 16.

The defendant was seen as a soft touch and people converged on his rented house, using it as a doss house and taking advantage of him.

Mr Lawson said: "He is beset with difficulties."