SPECIALIST officers were being drafted in today as detectives stepped up the hunt for missing Burnley mum Jane Payne.

They were visiting Burnley police station to review the search for the 29-year-old mum who vanished more than five weeks ago.

The team, based at police headquarters in Preston, will look at areas police have already searched to see if the hunt can be widened.

In addition, they will recommend new areas which could be scoured for the widowed mother-of-one and part-time prostitute.

And Det Sgt Ian Procter today called on the public to keep coming forward with the information about Jane.

He said: "They will come in and look at the areas where we have searched to make sure we have not missed anything.

"It is more than five weeks since she went missing and we would have expected more sightings.

"But we are still somewhat intelligence led and we will follow up all possible sightings "So what we are asking is for people to keep coming forward with information especially those like dog walkers who may use more secluded areas or areas such as derelict factories.

"We have a lady who has disappeared in circumstances which gives us grave concerns She has a three-year-old girl at home and all it takes is one member of the public with one piece on information."

Jane, also known as Jane Kelly, left her home in Queen Victoria Road, Burnley, at 11pm on Friday, March 31, and has since not been in touch with her family including her three year-old daughter Chelsea.

Last week police divers scoured the cana and have continued to search empty homes for Jane, who was last seen heading towards Duke Bar.

Two 38-year-old men were arrested on suspicion of murder last month.

One was released on bail and the other without charge.

Anybody with information should contact Burnley CID on 01282 425001.