A BUSINESSMAN who shared a unit with another company says he faces financial ruin after the other half of the premises was sold and demolished.

Allen Evans said the work was having a "devastating effect" on his business, Performance Motorcycles, in Cranberry Lane, Darwen, after holes were created in his unit's walls during the demolition process.

The two units historically have been part of one building known as Tackfield Foundry and were partitioned by a single block internal wall in 1985. He says the wall was never intended to serve as an external wall.

And despite the power supply for Mr Evans's business being located in the other side of the Foundry, Blackburn with Darwen planning bosses allowed that unit to be demolished for houses to be built on the site.

Since the unit was demolished, birds, vermin, rain water and even youths have entered Performance Motorcycles through the gaps created in the walls.

Mr Evans, who has run his business from the unit for 13 years, has been forced to move stock as it was being damaged by rain and birds and he also feared that with access to the outdoors it would eventually be stolen.

Now with the help of Darwen MP Janet Anderson and councillors, Mr Allen hopes to persuade the council to grant planning permission for houses on his half of the site so he can sell up and locate the business elsewhere.

However, his residential planning applications have to date been refused by the council.

He said: "It is obvious that the two sides of this site are intrinsically linked both in terms of structural dependency, topography, historical and future uses.

"The council's decision has meant the unit is no longer suitable for our use yet they will not give us permission to knock it down and build houses.

"We never planned to move as this site suited our business needs but due to the demolition we now feel that is the only option available to us."

Adam Scott, director of regeneration, housing and neighbourhoods said: "We are currently in discussion with the owner of Performance Motorcycles relating to problems with his wall. We hope to find a solution that is mutually acceptable."