AROUND 40 firefighters battled for four hours to control a major moorland blaze believed to have been started deliberately.

The fire took hold towards the rear of a footpath behind the Crown and Thistle pub in Roman Road, Hoddlesden, just before 3.15pm on Saturday.

Six fire engines and two specialist support units capable of negotiating off-road terrain were used to control the fire which spread across two square miles.

Tom Hartley, watch manager at Darwen, said although investigations were continuing the fire was being treated as suspicious.

"It started towards the rear of the pub and spread over two square miles of moorland in the Hoddlesden area. You would have been able to see smoke for miles.

"The cause is still being investigated but it could have been started deliberately." The blaze came minutes after another fire again believed to have been started deliberately on moorland off Kelvin Street, Darwen.

It took 90 minutes to control that blaze which took hold on dry grass near a track used as a shortcut to Darwen Tower often used by walkers.