A BAR manageress was pushed to the floor and needed hospital treatment after an "extremely violent" robbery at an Accrington pub.

Police are now hunting the culprits who left the victim "badly bruised" and too shaken to return to work after the attack at The Regency in Church Street on Friday night.

The 21-year-old victim, who was temporarily looking after the pub, was locking up just before midnight and was set upon as she secured the rear staff entrance. The duo made off with what police termed a "substantial amount of money" from the safe after knocking her to the floor.

Detectives said that after violently overpowering the woman, who lives in the Accrington area, they threatened her with "serious injury" unless she complied.

They then took her key to the office and made off with cash from the safe.

Launching a witness appeal, Detective Sergeant Nigel Watson of Accrington CID said: "The offenders have used extreme violence and threatened to seriously injure this young lady.

"She has taken a severe knock in confidence and may not be able to return to work."

DS Watson added the woman was taken to Blackburn Royal Infirmary suffering from bruises to her face, hips, arms and upper body but was allowed home on Saturday morning.

The robbers made off in a vehicle parked in a gateway next to the pub in Church Street.

Anyone in the area at the time, who may have spotted a car entering or emerging from the alley, should contact Accrington CID on 01254 353742 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.