RESIDENTS have lost their fight to stop a controversial housing development going ahead in Earby.

Pendle's West Craven committee has given permission for McDermott Homes Ltd to build 56 homes in Bawhead Road.

Earby councillor Chris Tennant tried to move a motion for refusal, but councillors passed the plans after been told there were no real grounds to object.

The development is for 15 four-bedroom detached, 22 three-bedroom detached, 16 three-bedroom semi-detached and a group of three semi-detached homes.

It will mark an end to a row which has rumbled on since 1999 when the land was designated by the council's for housing.

In 2004 councillors agreed to sell the land.

McDermott Homes has agreed to pay £60,000 to provide new play facilities for children as well as endeavouring to limit heavy traffic.