A POP hopeful set to launch her quest for chart success today revealed how she couldn't wait to get chased by the paparazzi!

While many celebrities curse and sometimes even fight with the hoards of celebrity photographers, Shereen Guerin said their arrival at her front door will be proof she has made it.

Shereen, 24, is part of female pop trio Mrs Robinson, a group set to release their debut single I'm a Little Obsessed' next month.

The group was formed after Shereen, who was born in Whalley and attended Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Primary School, Blackburn, took part in FHM magazine's inaugural High Street Honeys beauty competition three years ago.

Her friend Tanya Robinson, also 24, went on to win, and the girls were soon spotted by independent record label Believe and teamed up with the third member of the group, Paula Cremin, 20, who they met in a London recording studio.

Much of the promotion for the new single has been co-ordinated by the boss of one of London's best-known picture agencies Big Pictures' Darryn Lyons.

His company is the focus of fly-on-the-wall series Paparazzi, and in its second series currently showing on BBC 3, he has made sure Mrs Robinson get a good showing.

Shereen, whose family is scattered across Blackburn, Darwen and Ribble Valley, said: "We've been told to enjoy what little private time we have at the moment, because we hopefully won't be getting much later in the year.

"And I won't mind at all if the paparazzi start turning up because I know they are just doing a job, and if they're interested in us as a group it means other people are, which will be great, so I can't wait!"

And should the paparazzi decide to trail her, it's quite likely they will end up in Blackburn.

Shereen added: "I come home every fortnight so see my family, who are all over the area.

"I love going for a curry in Whalley, and still shop in Blackburn all the time. That won't change, I won't forget my roots because I'm proud of where I have come from."

The band were going to be called Twisted Sister' but found the name had been copyrighted so chose Mrs Robinson.

They plumped for the name not after Simon and Garfunkel's classic song from the film The Graduate but because Robinson is Tanya's surname.

Shereen's proud mum, Juliette, of Darwen, said her daughter had some expert training from young age in the form of family friend Anne Nolan, from The Nolans.

She added: "Anne and I became friends when we lived in Blackpool and became like a mentor so I am very grateful.

"I am delighted for my daughter she has worked really hard. But I am not surprised as when she left for London at 19 her last words to me were I'm going to make it'."

Their single is out on March 20.