PLANS for nine mobile homes on land in Accrington have been approved by Hyndburn Council, despite objections from nearby residents.

People living near the site, off Springhill Road, said there were already a number of caravan and mobile home sites in the area and that the land should be used for permanent housing.

They told the council that they feared house prices would suffer if the development went ahead and one said sites of this nature "deteriorate into an eyesore" if the mobile homes were not renewed.

The objectors were supported by Coun Edith Dunston, who said: "Another caravan site is a no-no. Nearby there are 250 properties, 27 have to let' signs up, five are for sale and six boarded up.

"We have a caravan site on the other side of Exchange Street and we could do without this."

Residents were also concerned about the traffic it would cause and Coun Dave Parkins agreed.

He said: "I am not against the mobile homes, but the access is terrible and it is a very busy road.

"Safety is paramount and I am not going to support this."

But Brent Clarkson, development control manager, said the site already had permission for 10 static caravans and the application sought to revise the scheme by using mobile homes.

Coun Doug Hayes said: "If refused the applicant has the option of putting caravans on there."