THE Nelson branch of the Royal British Legion is calling for a new war memorial.

Members called on Pendle Council to build a new memorial, perhaps with gardens, where people could remember the fallen.

Representative Andy Ashworth said: "The Nelson branch of the Royal British Legion wishes to record the feelings of the general public requesting a more fitting memorial to all those who have fallen in conflicts since the First World War.

"The committee spent £10,000 on probably a one-off occasion to mark the anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar and, at the next budget, £10,000 could be allocated towards a more permanent memorial, and possibly gardens."

Mr Ashworth also asked Nelson committee to apply to the executive committee for £10,000 match funding, and asked for the legion to be involved in the design and siting of the memorial.

Nelson committee chairman, David Foster, replied: "I'm sure we will consider your request in this next month of the budget.

"I think it quite right that people who gave their lives in all conflicts should be recognised within the town."