A TEENAGER "scarred for life" in a Darwen nightclub attack has urged people to help catch his attacker.

Thomas Wilkinson, 18, suffered a four-inch gash to his cheek on a night out at The Roxy nightclub, Market Street.

Six weeks on, police still have no witnesses or information as to why the attack occurred or who was responsible.

In a bid to jog people's memories, Darwen CID have released photographs of Thomas's injuries and the teenager has come forward to speak out about his ordeal.

Thomas, a tree surgeon, from Belthorn, said: "I had been in the club about an hour and a half and had gone into the toilets.

"You don't really look who else is in there but I was aware there were a few more people there.

"The next thing, I felt blood trickling down my cheek and the bouncers had come in and were checking on me. They got me a taxi to Blackburn Royal Infirmary.

"I had to have butterfly' stitches and I still have a big scar from my ear to my mouth. They told me at the hospital they thought it would be a permanent scar.

"They also said it was a very clean cut for it to have been done by glass.

"I would just ask anyone who knows anything about this to report it so it doesn't happen to someone else." The incident happened shortly before 1am on Saturday, January 7.

DC Dave Braithwaite, from Darwen CID, said: "At the moment we have no one who has seen anything.

"The lad himself saw a couple of people leaving the toilets at the time but we don't know who they were.

"So we are appealing for anyone who saw them leaving the toilets around 12.45am.

"It would appear this was an unprovoked attack on someone who was just having a night out.

"We have no leads as to who was responsible and there doesn't appear to have been any falling-out beforehand.The injury must have been caused by a very sharp instrument for him not to have felt anything straight away.

"It could possibly have been a Stanley-style knife but we have nothing at this stage to confirm this."

Anyone with information should contact Darwen CID on 01254 353841.