WE all know councils and governments have limited budgets and are forced to prioritise. And where road improvements are concerned, a local authority the size of Lancashire County Council will have a long wish list of their own projects as well as demands from people who believe their own case is the most deserving.

They will never satisfy everyone but there are some problems which should carry more weight than others.

The A59 is one of East Lancashire's most important trunk roads and with increasing volumes of fast traffic we have seen a number of accident black spots successfully eradicated over the years when public pressure has forced money to be spent on things like roundabouts.

The A59 junction with Sabden Road and Pendle Road near Clitheroe has been the scene of five serious crashes in the past 12 months and become notorious inspite of some work 18 months ago.

But Coun Tony Martin has rejected calls for a problem-solving roundabout saying there is no money but he would "happily" build one if he had another £20 or £30million in his budget.

It's time he and colleagues joined others in publicly pressing for more cash to cut this awful accident toll.