A man who attacked two police officers kept his freedom -- but a judge warned him he would not get any more chances.

Brian Birtwell, who tried to take on the officers as they attempted to arrest him, was spared jail at Burnley Crown Court because of his "pitiful" recent life.

Birtwell, 20, who had taken to drink, was told by Judge Pamela Badley: "If you drink you will get in trouble. That's a simple formula for you to find yourself back in court."

The defendant, who has 19 previous convictions, had been given many chances and there would come a time whan a court was going to say enough was enough and jail was overdue, she warned.

She said Birtwell would normally have gone to prison for the offences and added: "No court after this is going to give you a further chance.

"This is your opportunity to prove yourself worthy of the trust placed in you."

Birtwell, of Greenwich Street, Burnley, admitted two counts of assault with intent to resist arrest, last March.

He was given an 18-month community rehab order with the Think First programme.

Hugh Barton, defending, told the court Birtwell had effectively been abandoned by his mother who was an alcoholic.

His father died some years ago, he had spent a considerable amount of time in care and had been doing his best to look out for his two brothers.