I'd just like to say 'Beware of politicians bearing false promises', be they national or local, Labour or Conservative, or even the unlikely Liberals.

None of them will do you any good. Promises will turn out to be unfailingly expensive. Labour politicans especially are addicted to this modus operandi and unless you enjoy being taxed by ingenious, sneaky means to finance Blair's passion for foreign wars - one of which has cost 98 British servicemen their lives - a doubling of Council Tax with more to come, capitulation to Brussels and 96 other stealth taxes, don't believe a word.

Beware, too, of the Tories trying to sell you their milksop, new-found Social-Liberalism. Peel away the mask of their latest "Dave" Cameron and what have you got? A replica Tony Blair Mk II who is, of yet, untried, unknown and potentially the undoer of the Tories, who is busy contradicting the very policies he wrote for Michael Howard last year.

Away with last year's promises of better and wiser use of revenue, cutting out waste and reducing the number of Guardian-advertised outreach workers and five-a-day co-ordinators, along with the 600,000 non-jobs Labour have created.

Gone, too, the hint of reduced Council Tax and a look at tuition fees and a better deal for hard-pressed home owners to be replaced if "Dave" becomes Prime Minister by more of the same foggy ideas from some think tank.

So it behoves everyone to Be Aware that no matter whether our leaders are Red, Blue or Yellow sandal-wearers, we'll all continue to pay through the nose while administration after administration fail to come to grips with the schools and hospital problems despite enormous sums of money being wasted.

George Walton

Lady Crosse Drive
