A SIX-YEAR-OLD with "outstanding" potential has become became the youngest ever choirboy in Blackburn Cathedral Choir.

William Fielding, of Pleckgate Road, Blackburn made his debut in the cathedral's annual festive spectacular last month.

The young performer sang a Christmas solo with his line "A Partridge In A Pear Tree" in The Twelve Days of Christmas.

The St Gabriel's Primary School, Blackburn, pupil added an extra sparkle to the carol service when he sang alone 12 times - all bang on cue.

William is following in the footsteps of his mum, Rachel, dad, Paul and late grandfather, Harold, who have all been in one of the cathedral's choirs.

His grandfather was in the choir for nearly 40 years from the 1940s and his dad, who is a train driver, sings as often as his work permits.

William, who also plays the organ, joined the choir in October after having "got bored" in the youth choir, which he joined at four as the youngest member.

According to his mum, William does not like singing with girls and had decided he was going to leave until he was old enough to join the older group.

But when choir conductor Richard Tanner heard the news he said he wanted William to join the main Blackburn Cathedral Choir two years early.

Mr Tanner said: "I wanted to give William a try because he is showing signs of being outstanding when he is older.

"There has definitely never been anyone this young in the main choir during my time over the last eight years and to my knowledge no-one before


"He is on a reduced timetable at the moment because he is too young to be committed to four sessions a week.

"He does half the time. But he is learning well.

"He gets it from his mother, who is also an excellent singer."

Mrs Fielding, who sings in the Renaissance Choir said: "I am so proud of him. He has always been around songs and music. It runs in the family. He stopped enjoying the youth choir, though. He is so fussy and doesn't like singing with girls -- even me.

"I was thrilled when the conductor suggested he could be in the main choir.

"He might only be young but he does want a career in the industry."